Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Art concept coARTex by Barbara Streiff since 1999.
☆ Museum Monte Verità Ascona TI ☆ ☆ Casa Selma; Sa. 5.10.19, up 19:00 ☆ Zen Garden; 19:15: Butoh Dance Performance by Irena Kulka ☆ Casa dei Russi; 19:40: Speek to the development of art during intercultural dialog by arthistorian Aleksandr Schumow. ☆ 20:00 - 21:30; Videoinstalations "Art im Dialog Intercultural" on the historical buildings of Monte Verità like the Museum, Bauhaus, Casa Selma and Casa dei Russi. The videoinstallation "The Art of Seeking" of intercultural dialog by work of artists from all over the World, projcected on historical buildings of Monte Verita communicates with visitors and surrounding. Irena Kulka, Butoh Dance Performance Barbara Streiff, Videoinstallation Art Dialogue Intercultural Artists of various ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic origins and traditions give an insight into their conceptual work. The connecting factor is the interest to develop processoriented through interdisciplinary thinking in mutual understanding and respect. The project promote the openes towards and further the evolution of art in dialog of intercultural diversity. Partizipating artists; Aleksey Shvarkoff (RU) Ekaterina Sisfontes (SW) Diego Barrera (CO) Evgenija Lapteva (RU) Ricardo Streiff (AR) Vadim Levin (RU/CH) Sheng Sheng Guan (CN/FR) Nasrin Abu Baker (PS) Song Guiyu (CN) Concept & Organisation: Barbara Streiff (CH)

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